Extend the Life of Your Whitening Procedure

Teeth whitening is a popular dental procedure, but it’s important to understand that its effects aren’t permanent. 

The darker the shade of your teeth, the longer it may take to attain the desired lighter shade. Even so, it’s effective at making incredible changes to the appearance of your smile in a single visit.

If you've been considering teeth whitening for some time, the good news is that there are ways to extend or prolong its effects. Here are some of them:

  1. Maintain Good Oral Hygiene Habits

    Good dental care practices keep plaque from building up on the surfaces of teeth. This sticky film can make teeth appear darker. It naturally forms on teeth, but regular flossing and brushing can keep it from accumulating. 

    By getting rid of plaque, you also minimize your risks of developing decay and tartar, which can discolor teeth. There are numerous causes of tooth discoloration, so a white smile isn’t necessarily a sign of good or poor oral health. 

    Boosting your dental care efforts will not only extend the results of your teeth whitening but also keep oral health in great shape. 

    And because residue and bacteria can remain on teeth despite diligent brushing, maintaining regular dental hygiene appointments is also important. This way, your dentist can evaluate the condition of the whitened teeth. 

  2. Avoid Highly Pigmented Foods and Beverages

    Highly pigmented foods and beverages, including tomato sauce, blueberries, coffee, and tea can stain teeth. You don’t need to eliminate them from your diet or routine, but minimizing your intake and being more mindful will prevent stains from settling. 

    Rinse your mouth with plain water after consuming any potentially staining foods or drinks. Minimizing direct exposure to the teeth by using a straw when drinking acidic or colored beverages also helps. 

    Wait for at least 30 minutes before brushing your teeth, as the enamel is still weak from acid exposure and further abrasion can cause it to wear. 

  3. Increase Water Intake
  4. Water is a natural mouth cleaner. It can prevent stains from accumulating on teeth, especially after eating. It can also prolong the effects of your teeth whitening treatment. 

    Water keeps the mouth moist, flushes down food residues, and remineralizes the enamel. It strengthens the teeth’s defenses against acid attacks. Acid attacks erode the enamel, causing the darker layer beneath it to become more prominent. 

    When this happens, your smile can also appear dull. Reduce your consumption of pigmented beverages and increase your water intake to maximize the benefits of your whiter smile.

  5. Stop Smoking

    Tobacco leaves stains on teeth. Additionally, nicotine decreases saliva production, causing residue to remain longer. 

    Smoking, chewing, or vaping is best avoided at all costs, as they impact more than just the appearance of teeth. These habits also weaken the body’s immune system and ability to heal itself. 

    Consuming tobacco makes a person more prone to gum diseases and infections and lengthens recovery periods following dental procedures. To extend the life of your whitening procedure, avoid smoking or kick the habit altogether. 

Learn More About Professional Teeth Whitening at the Dental Office

Don't hesitate to talk about touch-ups if you feel you already need them. Before getting your teeth whitened, your dentist will also explain the limitations of the procedure and how you can make the most of it. 

There are more cosmetic dental treatments available at the dental office that can help brighten your smile, and each one has its pros and cons.If you would like to know more about teeth whitening in SE Calgary, reach out to us at Mckenzie Towne Dental.   Let's keep your smile looking great. Get started with a complimentary smile consultation.