Do dental costs cause you to skip or postpone appointments?
Not everyone has dental insurance. And sometimes, even with dental insurance, you still need to shoulder some payments. These instances can make dentistry intimidating for some.
At McKenzie Towne Dental, we understand that budget can be a critical concern for dental visits. That's why our dental team strives to educate patients about dental costs and how to keep them minimal.
Here are some practices that allow you to save money for your oral health.
Brush and Floss Properly
The best person to take care of your oral health is you. Your daily habits can impact the type of dental procedures you require. Brushing and flossing are crucial to keeping dental problems at bay. Remember, your methods are more critical than how frequently you clean your mouth.
Brushing before sleeping strengthens your teeth and helps fight off acid attacks. The mouth is more vulnerable during sleep because of reduced salivary flow and increased acid levels.
Flossing between teeth and along the gumline removes deposits on hard-to-reach surfaces. Left unremoved, this build-up can result in gum irritation.
By boosting your oral hygiene routine, you can save funds for your oral health.
Rethink Your Diet
Be kinder to your teeth and wallet by looking at your food choices. Little by little, make changes for better oral health.
A diet high in sugar and starch can increase your risk of developing decay, cavities, and gum disease. Harmful bacteria feed off sugar and starch and produce acids that eat away at the enamel.
When the enamel erodes, tooth roots become exposed, leading to increased sensitivity. Constantly snacking throughout the day also causes plaque to accumulate faster.
Overconsumption of anything sugary and starchy can cause you to need more dental treatments. Reducing your intake of these types of foods can help you lower your dental care costs.
Drink Water More Often
Plain water is the safest and healthiest beverage for your oral health.
Water stimulates salivary flow in the mouth, aids in the enamel remineralization process, and neutralizes acid levels.
It dislodges food deposits in the mouth, keeping them from lingering. It minimizes plaque and tartar build-up and prevents bad breath as well. Water also doesn’t leave behind stains on the surfaces of teeth.
Hydrating with water isn’t only friendly for your smile; it's better for your budget too.
Seek Advice From Your Dentist on Dental Care Products
While the grocery store or pharmacy is teeming with products that promise a more attractive smile for less, you don’t want to buy into them right away.
If you're thinking of switching to new oral care products, consult your dentist first. They can recommend options that can help deliver the results you’re seeking.
By focusing only on oral care products that match your needs, you avoid spending on unnecessary items that may not be beneficial after all.
You also find out if your concern can be resolved by over-the-counter products or if it will need professional treatment at the dental office.
Invest in Preventative Dental Care
Prevention remains the best way to reduce dental expenses.
Preventative dental care procedures include routine dental hygiene cleanings and exams. Prioritizing these visits allows you to stay up to date with your oral health needs and status.
Your dentist checks your mouth for potential issues and provides advice so you can keep them from progressing. If problems are detected early, you can also prevent costly treatments.
Avoiding dental visits can cause dental issues to advance and warrant comprehensive procedures. By seeing your dentist and dental hygienist regularly, you can limit the treatments you need to routine procedures.
If your family’s oral or medical health history makes you more vulnerable to dental issues, your dentist can also provide you with the extra attention you need.
Dental care doesn't have to be expensive. Prevention can keep your dental costs low. By being proactive with your everyday habits and choices, you can keep your smile healthy and attractive.
For more questions on dental procedures and dental-related costs, contact us at McKenzie Towne Dental. If you're in SE Calgary, AB, request an appointment with our dentist to discuss your dental concerns.
Let's make dental care easier to navigate for you and your loved ones.