A dental emergency can be frightening and uncomfortable, especially if you’re unsure who to call for quick assistance.
To minimize discomfort, it helps to know where to get emergency dental care. Whether it's about fractured teeth, excruciating toothaches, or misplaced fillings, having a dental team to assist you will make the experience more manageable and less stressful.
Many dental clinics provide emergency dental care outside of regular office hours. They recognize that dental problems cannot wait, thus they provide hotlines for patients to call in an emergency. Start by calling your regular dentist. Even if the office is closed, its answering machine may offer an emergency contact number or instructions.
For severe emergencies involving facial trauma or significant bleeding, it’s best to go to the hospital's emergency room. While ERs may not have dentists on staff, they can provide pain treatment and treat serious non-dental injuries. They may then refer you to a dental professional for specific dental care.
Some urgent care centers are equipped to treat dental emergencies. These facilities can be a valuable resource, especially during hours when regular dentist clinics are closed. Urgent care centers can provide quick relief from pain and help avoid further damage until you can see a dentist.
Dental schools often have clinics that provide emergency dental services to the public at a reduced cost. Dental students provide patient care while being supervised by experienced dentists. This option helps you receive the treatment you need while supporting future dental professionals.
Online dental directories or dental care networks can help you find reputable emergency dental providers in your area. Membership in dentistry associations can be an excellent starting point. Canadian Dental Association lists dental authorities in provinces or territories and their contact numbers, which you may refer to when looking for licensed dental professionals.
Before making your choice, consider calling dental offices or visiting. Then, ask yourself the following questions:
It’s always a good idea to prepare for potential dental emergencies:
Acting fast is critical in a dental emergency. Always prioritize your dental health and don't hesitate to seek quick assistance if you have an emergency.
By being informed and prepared, you can ensure that you and your loved ones receive the care required during those key moments, reducing discomfort and achieving the best results for your oral health.
Mckenzie Towne Family Dental provides emergency dental services in SE Calgary, Alberta. For our team, patient care comes first. If you’re still looking for the service you need on our website, please call us. We’re here to assist you.