Dentures can be supported by implants. It’s a cost-effective way to replace missing teeth and offers a huge improvement over traditional dentures.
This dental innovation called implant-retained dentures was developed by Dr. Sendax Victor, a board-certified dentist based in Manhattan. His concept was later refined by Dr. R. A. Bulard, who added a single-piece “O-ball” design to it.
An implant-retained denture is one supported by implants. The implants are ultra-small titanium alloy screws that are placed in the jawbone, providing an attachment at the gum tissue on which the denture will be held securely in place.
This method is usually recommended for patients with few teeth remaining but enough bone in the jaw to support implants. The implants, usually two, are mostly made for the lower jaw.
Before proceeding, your dentist will review your dental and medical history. X-rays and impressions will also be taken to ensure proper implant placement.
If you don’t have a complete denture yet, you will be provided a temporary denture that you’ll use until the implant retained denture is ready. The temporary denture can also be used as a backup for the final denture or as the final denture to save costs.
You and your dentist or oral surgeon will work together in developing a treatment plan.
You may benefit from implant retained dentures if you have the following:
It’s amazing how a life-changing transformation is only a few dental visits away. If you want to know more about implant retained dentures, get in touch with our dental team at (403) 257-1180.